In 2017, the OSRC chose to commemorate the life of Betty Fisher, RRT by creating an annual scholarship in her honor and to continue her legacy of leadership, clinical excellence, generosity, and passion for the profession of Respiratory Care.
Betty Fisher was an instructor for Francis Tuttle Vo-tech Respiratory Care Program in Oklahoma City. More than that Betty was a fierce advocate for Oklahoma Respiratory Practitioners in our state.
A former veteran Betty started her career in the Air Force and eventually landed here in Oklahoma. Here she began working for Integris Southwest Medical Center (formerly South Community Hospital) becoming the director of the Cardiopulmonary Department.
Betty was one of the key players in getting the Respiratory Care Act passed here in Oklahoma. She was a very active member of the OSRC serving in several board positions. Betty was a kind and generous woman. She always stepped in to help wherever she was needed. She was always working behind the scenes and not one to draw attention to herself.
She was a kind and generous woman who always stepped in to help wherever she was needed. Not one to draw attention to herself, she was a constant worker behind the scenes. She shared her love of Respiratory Care with her students. She never had a cross word to say and was there for every student, going the extra mile, and guiding students when needed. An adaptive teacher, she was able to reach all manner of students to help them excel in the field.
In her name, the OSRC is proud to sponsor the Betty Fisher Memorial Scholarship of $1000 annually.
Applicants must:
Complete applications may be submitted to the OSRC Scholarship Chair at either osrcinformation@gmail.com c/o Scholarship Committee Chair or mailed (with postmark no later than the due date) to OSRC c/o Scholarship Committee Chair, PO Box 95065, Oklahoma City, OK 73143.
OSRC Board / Committee Members: